Pregnancy and Birth Prep
Our pregnancy and birth on demand course will help to provide you with all the essential information you need to help you have an informed, calm and confident journey to parenthood.
Choosing your care provider
Antenatal Appointments & Ultrasounds
Diet in Pregnancy
Self Care in Pregnancy
Complications of Pregnancy
Informed Choice & Consent
What Affects The Birth Experience
Birth Place Choices
Birth Bag
Birth Preferences
The Impact of Hormones On Labour
The Birth Zone
Optimal Fetal Position
The Miles Circuit
Signs Leading Up To Labour
Am I In Labour?
TheFirst Stage Of Labour
The Second Stage of labour
Transitional Labour
The Third Stage Of Labour
Skin To Skin
Newborn Examination
Birth Partners
Labour & Birth Positions
When Labour is Slow or Stalls
Induction Of Labour
Assisted Births (RCOG)
What's next?